
The following helpful resources are available:

+-Government announces AMC as Sovereign Industry Partner

+-Defence Industries

+-Office of Defence Industry Support

+-ASPI Special Report: Cracking the missile matrix – The case for Australian guided weapons production

+-2020 Defence Strategic Update & 2020 Force Structure Plan

The 2020 Defence Strategic Update and 2020 Force Structure Plan, released on 1 July 2020, outline a new strategy for Defence and the capability investments to deliver it.

The Strategic Update sets out the challenges in Australia’s strategic environment and their implications for Defence planning. It provides a new strategic policy framework to ensure Australia is able – and is understood as willing – to deploy military power to shape our environment, deter actions against our interests and, when required, respond with military force.

While the drivers of change identified in the 2016 Defence White Paper persist, they have accelerated faster than anticipated. Australia now faces an environment of increasing strategic competition; the introduction of more capable military systems enabled by technological change; and the increasingly aggressive use of diverse grey-zone tactics to coerce states under the threshold for a conventional military response.

While the long-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic are not yet clear, it has deeply altered the economic trajectory of the region and the world with implications for Australia’s prosperity and security.

The implementation of the 2016 Defence White Paper has seen substantial progress in building a more potent, capable and agile Australian Defence Force. Because of this, Defence is much better positioned to defend Australia and its interests.

However, important adjustments to defence policy are set out in the 2020 Defence Strategic Update to respond to the rapid changes in the strategic environment. The Strategic Update replaces the Strategic Defence Framework set out in the 2016 Defence White Paper with three new strategic objectives:

  • to shape Australia’s strategic environment;
  • to deter actions against Australia’s interests; and
  • to respond with credible military force, when required.

The 2020 Force Structure Plan details the Government’s intentions for new and adjusted Australian Defence Force capability investments to implement the new strategic objectives.

The 2020 Defence Strategic Update and the 2020 Force Structure Plan will ensure that Defence can respond to new challenges as they emerge. This delivers on the Government’s commitment to protect Australia and its interests.



+-Defence National Manufacturing Priority Road Map

+-Defence Industry Policy Statement

+-Defence Policy for Industry Participation

+-Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities

The Defence Industrial Capability Plan introduces the new Sovereign Industrial Capability Assessment Framework to provide a repeatable methodology to identify Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities.

In approaching development of the Priorities, we focused on a definition of sovereign industrial capability around access to, or control over, the essential skills, technology, intellectual property, financial resources and infrastructure within our defence industrial base as required.

The initial Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities are the result of a rigorous assessment framework that looked at the strategic, capability, and resources dimensions of industrial sovereignty – and made judgements based on Defence needs. The Government’s priority is to provide the Australian Defence Force with cost-effective, cutting-edge capability while also maximising Australian industry involvement.

In this context, the initial Priorities will focus on areas that are operationally critical to the Defence mission; priorities within the Integrated Investment Program over the next three to five years; or those in need of more dedicated monitoring, management, and support due to their industrial complexity, Government priority, or requirements across multiple capability programs.

Priorities are described at the capability level with a focus on technologies rather than companies or products. This approach will encourage innovation and new developments across the Integrated Investment Program capability streams and individual projects.

Effective implementation of the Priorities requires them to be embedded early into strategic planning and Defence capability planning processes and across the Capability Life Cycle. This will be a core task of Defence Industry Policy Division.

The Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities will be managed, supported and considered throughout the Capability Life Cycle and will start at the very beginning of defence planning through to disposal.

To download these plans please visit: HERE

SICP Priorities