Australian Missile Corporation
The Australian Missile Corporation, a 100% Australian owned and independently operated company, was formed to support the Commonwealth Government’s establishment of the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise. As an Enterprise Partner, we support GWEO Group in the establishment of domestic GWEO manufacturing capability.
Our Mission
We are one team of outstanding people united in our mission to provide the ADF with the guided weapons and explosive ordnance it will need to prevail on the battlefield. We will achieve this by supporting the GWEO Enterprise to establish domestic GWEO manufacturing capability and support the delivery of GWEO manufacturing in Australia.

The AMC serves as a GWEO Enterprise Partner under a Deed and interface to Australian industry.
The GWEO Enterprise is a collective that includes:
- Defence Organisations (such as GWEO Group and the Defence Science and Technology Group).
- Academic institutions that specialise in research and development that benefits the GWEO Enterprise.
- Products that constitute Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO).
- Industry as the fabricators and service providers of GWEO (be they all-up rounds, sub-assemblies or components).
- Strategic Partners as appointed by GWEO Group.
Australia’s Strategic Intent
Source: 2024 National Defence Strategy
The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted how vital the supply of munitions is to modern armed forces, how quickly stockpiles can be depleted in conflict and the fragility of supply chains for global weapons. The Government is pursuing a comprehensive approach to build Defence’s GWEO stocks, strengthening supply chains and supporting a domestic manufacturing capability. This will ensure Defence has access to the stocks of ordnance it would need in a conflict.
Australia’s self-reliance will be enhanced through an ability to produce, maintain, repair and overhaul select weapons. As outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy, the domestic manufacture of GWEO and munitions is one of Defence’s seven Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities. A resilient and secure GWEO supply chain will enhance the ADF’s ability to sustain its strike capabilities in conflict.
Through the Integrated Investment Program, the Government is investing in:
- The development of a domestic ability to produce, maintain, repair and overhaul select weapons;
- The expertise Defence needs to strengthen Australia’s contribution to the industrial base it shares with the US and other key partners;
- The manufacture of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System missiles in Australia, commencing in 2025, representing an important first step toward establishing domestic missile manufacturing on a large scale; and
- The construction and uplift of storage and distribution facilities to accommodate Defence’s growing GWEO inventory.
How to get involved
The AMC is fully aligned with Defence’s vision for a sustainable Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise. In line with Defence’s requirements, we engage with state governments, academic institutions, and Australian companies, many whom commenced this journey with us in the AMC Partner network.